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Difference between an Enterprise Agreement and an Award

As a professional, it`s important to understand the difference between an enterprise agreement and an award. Both of these terms are part of the Australian industrial relations system and are used to set minimum standards for workplace conditions and pay. However, they have significant differences that employers and employees need to be aware of.

An award is a legal document that sets out minimum conditions and pay rates for employees in a particular industry or occupation. It is created by the Fair Work Commission and covers an entire industry or occupation, such as the Building and Construction Award or the Retail Award. Awards contain detailed information on minimum wages, penalty rates, allowances, and other conditions of employment.

On the other hand, an enterprise agreement is an agreement made between an employer and its employees, or between an employer and a group of employees. It sets out the terms and conditions of employment, including wages, hours of work, and other benefits. Enterprise agreements can only be made between an employer and employees who are covered by the agreement, and they must be approved by the Fair Work Commission to ensure that they meet the legal requirements.

One of the significant differences between awards and enterprise agreements is their scope. As mentioned earlier, awards apply to an entire industry or occupation, while enterprise agreements only apply to the employees covered by the agreement. Another difference is that awards set out minimum standards, while enterprise agreements can provide better conditions than awards. This means that an enterprise agreement can provide greater flexibility and benefits to the employees covered by the agreement, as long as they meet the legal requirements.

Employers and employees often use enterprise agreements to tailor their working arrangements to their particular needs. An enterprise agreement can allow employees to work more flexible hours, receive higher wage rates, and provide other benefits that aren`t available under awards.

Overall, the difference between an enterprise agreement and an award is significant, and employers and employees should understand them correctly to ensure that they meet their legal obligations and receive the best possible working conditions. It`s always recommended to seek advice from a legal professional when creating or negotiating an enterprise agreement to ensure that it meets the legal requirements and provides the best conditions for everyone involved.